

起源: 时刻:2023-01-01 球王会体育 :

职       称:副博士生硕导,研究生硕士生硕导


探讨邻域:程序语言球王会体育 身分较为认可、多语实践性与入口纯净水、词句分享、程序语言球王会体育 优惠政策与未来规划


二零一六年 广州中文翻译学校 获博士后学位学历


整体商务接待球王会体育 ,社会上语言英文学


1. Gu, M. & Guo, X. * (2022). Negotiating scale and mobility: Transnational Koreans in Shanghai. International Journal oﷺf Multilingual🔯ism. Doi: 10.1080/14790718.2021.2002334.(SSCI, Corresponding author)

2. Guo, X. *, Chen, G., & Sun, Y. (2021). An ethic💫al analysis of native-speaking English teachers’ identity construction in a mainland China university. Journal of Mu👍ltilingual and Multicultural Development, 42, 247-261. (SSCI)

3. Lu, J. & Guo, X.* (2021). Ethnicity on the move: Understanding the ethnic identity construction of Zhuang university stude🥀nts experiencing educational mobility in China. Ethnicities, 21, 62-82. (SSCI, Corresponding author)

4. Guo, X. *, Miao, L. (2021). From capital to habitus: Understanding urban overseas returnees’ class identity construction in China. Journal of Multilingual🌠 and Multicultural Development, 1-16. Doi: 10.1080/01434632.2021.1970171 (SSCI)

5. Shi, X. & Guo, X. (2021). The interplay between identity construction an🐼d L2 investment during study abroad program: cases of MBA students from China. Language and Intercultural Communication, 21ꦅ, 289-303. (SSCI)

6. Perez-Milans, M. & Guo, X. (2020). Hoping for success, becomin꧃g a spiritual subject: Converted ret✨urnees in China. Language, Culture and Society, 2, 197-226.

7. G😼u, M., Guo, X. & Lee, J. (2019). The interplay between ethnic and academic identity construction among South Asian students in Hong Kong tertiary education. Higher Education, 78, 1109–1127. (SSCI)

8. Zheng, Y. & Guo, X. (2019). Publishing in and about English: Challenges and opportunities of Chinese multilingual scholars' language practices in academic publishing. Language p🦄ol𒁃icy, 18, 107-130. (SSCI)

9. Gu, M., Kou, Z., & Guo, X. (2019). Understanding Chinese language teachers’ language ideologies in teaching South Asian students in Hong Kong, International Jou♋rnal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 22(8), 1030-1047. (SSCI✱)

1🧔0. Guo, X. & Gu, M. (2018). Reconfi🦂guring Uyghurness in multilingualism: An internal migration perspective. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(11), 2028-2047. (SSCI)

11. Guo, X. & Gu, M. (2018). Exploring Uyghur University students’ identities constructed through multilingual practices in Chi♛na. International Journal of Bilingual Educat💧ion and Bilingualism, 21, 480-495. (SSCI)

12. Guo, X. * (2018). Review of Linguistic Purism: Language attitudes in France and Quebec. Language in s✃ociety. DOI: 10.1017/S0047404518000143 (SSCI)

13. Gu, M. & Guo, X. (2017). Being Uyghur or being Muslim? – Identity construction of tertiary-level Uyghur students in China. In Mac an Ghaill, & C. Haywood (Eds.), Muslim stu💝dents, Education and neo-liberalism: Schooling a ‘Suspect Community’ (pp. 179-198). Palgrave Macmillan.

14. Guo, X. & Gu, M. (2016). Identity const🦄ruction through Engli💝sh language learning in intra-national migration: A study on Uyghur students in China. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42, 2430-2448. (SSCI)

15. Guo, X. & Gu, M. (2016). Negotiating identity and English pe🎶rformative competence: Uyghur students in tertiary educatio🔜n in China. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3, 4-16.

16.🍨 郭晓彦 (2018). 新西兰国语的影响与窘境ꦇ,(赵蓉晖编著)《世间文字生活中请况报告格式》,上海:商务会展印书馆。


1. Guo, X. (19-20﷽ Jun. 2021). Understanding non-urban students’ language learning trajectory and identity developmℱent at an elite university. Paper presented at The 2nd Conference on Language Teaching and Learning 2021. The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

2. Guo, X. (28-29 Jun. 2019). Understanding nat♛ive speaking English teachers’ professional identity construction at a university in C🐓hina. Paper presented at Inaugural Conference on Language Teaching and Learning: Cognition and Identity. The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

3. Perez-Milans, M. & Guo, X. (5-7 Jun. 2019). Markets, selves, and bible reading groups: Returnees and the new🐼 global city in China. Paper presented at the 4th EDiSo International Symposium. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

4. Guo, X. (24-25 Nov. 2018). From capital to habitus: The linguistic practices and class negotiation of overseas returnees. 再者届“语言的研究方案年青学家出海网站、🔯论坛、外贸平台”。꧙中国内地岩土工程勘察大学本科,西安。

5. Guo, X. (27-30 Jun. 2018). “Welcome to Noruz Keqiliki 多中国的民族联欢会”: Minority students’ identity performance through translanguaging on a digital platform in China. Paper presen༒ted at Sociolinguistics Symposium 22. Auckland, New Zealand.              

6. Guo, X. (24-25 Feb. 2017). The intersection between gender, ethnicity, and class: A case from Chinese female minorities. Paper presented at Imagining the Future: Community Innovation and Sꦜocial Resilience inಌ Asia. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

7. Guo, X. (20-21 Aug. 20ꦆ16). Identity performance in digital space. Paper presented at “Language and Future” - The 3rd Emerging Sch♒olars’ Workshop on Linguistic diversity: Challenges and responses. Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai.

8. Guo, X. (9-12 Apr. 2016). Beyond ethnicity: Minority studentꦗs’ identities constructed in EFL in China. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Orlando, Florida, U.S.

9. Guo, X. (15-16 Oct. 2015). Migrant minorities’ identity construction through multilingual learning and use in China. Invited by Worldwide Universities Network Project on Understanding Globalisation - Margins and Peripheries. Th🌳e University of Cape Town, South Africa.

10. Guo, X. (30-31 May 2015). Minority students’ identity constructed in multilingualism in China: A post-nationalist perspective. Paper presented at International Conference on 🍸Applied Linguistics. National Chiayi University, Taiwan.


组织 地方髙校基本的科研管理渠道费顶目:“一带是一起”延线国家来华出国读研生语音学会干扰措施和应对对策研发 (2021-ﷺ2023)

节目主持 中央政府高职高专院校根本科研建设项目业务部门费建设项目:重庆职场法则‘海外留学’的语音ꦐ信息认为探析 (2018-2020)(已结项)

操办 中间普通高校教育学校辅导创新辅导创业团队构建工程项目 (2020-2021)(已结项)

参与活动 国家社科共青团私募基金项目流程“本国展览化成市美我国๊人们的语音生活方式与语音设计方案理论研究”﷽(已结项)

参♓与者 吉林省的社会地理🐓学债券工作“发达国家身份认同视域下国内普通高校多数汉族毕业生编程语言学校新政与规化设计”(已结项)

参与活动 多对外谎称国际贸易大学专业第10一支学术探索改革创新性公司“商务办公球王会体育 适用语言球王会体育 学改革创新性探索公司”(2020-2023)

操作 对德贸易学校第八批学术界去自主𓄧创新团体“开放式型市场经济视域下的𓆏语用学实验去自主创新团体”(已结项)


International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, TESOL Quarterly, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, System, Language and Intercultural Communication, Lang💖uage, Culture and Curriculum, Journal of Multilingual, Language Policy等刊物好友🍎的秘密职称评审


2020.1: 对内资金商贸社会球王会体育 球王会体育 科研工作标兵


2017.7: 医生文献资料有CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Award 2016 (HK$ 50✨00)

2016.3: 会议内容职称论文得到AERA Interna⛎tional Travel Award, AERA ($1000, Declined)

2011.11: 多媒体文献综述刷快“北大-上外-浙大综合医生生论坛社区”出众文献综述奖

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