
3月28日国际写作中心系列讲座通知:Transforming American-Based Business and Management Communication Courses to the Asian Environment


主讲人:Bertha Du-Babcock 副教授 香港城市大学

SSCI 期刊 International Journal of Business Communication副主编

国际商务沟通协会Association for Business Communication前主席

时间: 328日(周四)下午15:30-16:30

地点: 诚信楼1314

American-based business and management communication courses, which were developed largely from observing US business practice and imbedded in the language (English), culture (individual𒊎istic), and content (geography, legal system) of the United States, need to be transformed to fit 🀅the Asian classrooms. In this address, I first trace the development of business/management communication as an academic discipline and relate it to business communication practice. I then integrate my personal experience in the field as a teacher, theorist, researcher, and textbook author to illustrate the business communication discipline and the adaptations I have made therein. In the third part of the presentation, I draw on a recent research project where I gathered data from ten expatriate professors who have taught business communication in Asian countries. I will conclude my address by putting forward my general observations and suggestions for the applicability of the research findings to date.

Bertha Du-Babcock is Associate Professor in the Department of English at City University of Hong Kong. She is a board member and was member of the Executive Committee for the Association for Business Communication. She served as President (October 2015 - December 2✅016), as a member of the Board of Directors-At-Large (2007 – 2009), and as the Vice President for the Asia and the Pacific Region (2009 – 2014). She is currently an associate editor of International Journal of Business Communication (SSCI-indexed). She has published extensively in SSCI-indexed top journals such as Discourse and Communication, Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication, Journal of English for Specific Purposes, Journal of Business and Technical Communication, co-edited a special issue for the Journal of Business and Technical Communication, and co-authored the Asian Editions of Essentials of Business Communication.


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